Nicotiana benthamiana

Nico­tiana ben­thami­ana, a sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly well-stud­ied plant indige­nous to Aus­tralia, is used as plant host for magnICON®-based pro­tein pro­duc­tion. Usu­al­ly, for all devel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing activ­i­ties the N. ben­thami­ana wild-type acces­sion “ICON” is used. N. ben­thami­ana “ICON” mas­ter and work­ing seed banks were pre­pared in accor­dance with the US Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion ”Guid­ance for Indus­try: Drugs, Bio­log­ics, and Med­ical Devices Derived from Bio­engi­neered Plants for Use in Humans and Ani­mals” (Sep­tem­ber 2002). When required, spe­cial­ized plant hosts devel­oped at Icon Genet­ics (for exam­ple, with human-like gly­co­sy­la­tion pat­terns, improved gly­co­sy­la­tion sites occu­pan­cy, etc.) are avail­able for pro­duc­tion.