magnICON® in planta expression technology

mag­nI­CON® (Gle­ba et al., 2005; Gle­ba et al.,2014; Klimyuk et al., 2014), a plat­form tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped by Icon Genet­ics, is used to pro­duce recom­bi­nant pro­teins by com­bin­ing well-stud­ied mol­e­c­u­lar bio­log­i­cal meth­ods into an effi­cient plant-based expres­sion sys­tem. In plan­ta pro­duc­tion is an alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al micro­bial and ani­mal cell cul­ture.

Indus­tri­al­ly rel­e­vant fea­tures of plant sys­tems include prop­er eukary­ot­ic pro­tein pro­cess­ing, inher­ent safe­ty due to lack of adven­ti­tious agents dan­ger­ous for humans, fast and eas­i­ly scal­able pro­duc­tion, and com­pet­i­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing costs. Notably, mag­nI­CON® exceeds oth­er sim­i­lar plant-based tech­nolo­gies in terms of speed, yield and pro­duc­tion costs (Tusé et al., 2014 ). The mag­nI­CON® tech­nol­o­gy is a tran­sient tech­nol­o­gy that does not require sta­ble, genet­ic mod­i­fi­ca­tion of plants, there­fore result­ing in faster and more flex­i­ble pro­duc­tion. Pro­duc­tion of green plant bio­mass is a rou­tine agri­cul­tur­al oper­a­tion car­ried out in stan­dard green­hous­es that is phys­i­cal­ly and time­ly sep­a­rat­ed from the stage of recom­bi­nant pro­tein pro­duc­tion. The deci­sion what to pro­duce in a ready plant batch can be tak­en just before the sched­uled down­stream pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions by using any pre­vi­ous­ly estab­lished expres­sion con­struct encod­ing the recom­bi­nant pro­tein of inter­est. Fur­ther­more, the mag­nI­CON® tech­nol­o­gy was devel­oped with con­sid­er­a­tion of human, envi­ron­men­tal and prod­uct safe­ty by apply­ing effi­cient mea­sures for each bio­log­i­cal com­po­nent and each man­u­fac­tur­ing step.